So here they are, the one with red is my number one choice, for my wedding the red would be black, and Elise's dresses gold/champagne. I did put up a pic of my runner up dress cause I really like it too. Of course mine would also be a little shorter, lol. After looking at them I'm torn. I like the first one, but I'm afraid the 2nd one looks better on me. Argh!
I like the 1st one, with the red color. Except yours will be black you said?? They both are nice but in my opinion that doesn't matter that one with red looks really great on you, better than the white. It's nicer. I'll still come if you do the white one... I guess..... :) -Theresa
uh is the first one going to have all that dress in the back to drag around?
I think its glamorous! The black will make it look sharp too. And Elise is wearing a va va voomer of a dress. :)
Congratulations Tab! When is the BIG day????
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