For Richard's 35th birthday him and I went and had breakfast at IHOP, they gave him a mousse for his birthday. On a normal day they sing to you, but our waiter said the other staff wouldnt cooperate- GRUMPY! But he enjoyed it anyways, even without the singing.
Then he picked the dinner spot, he wanted to do something with his sister since she wouldn't be there for his party, and out of niceness we let his parents come too, lol. I got the same thing I order at the Boatshed, only is was 100X better. Then you know how that goes, we all eat way too much! Elise tried clams for the first time, ended up eating a bunch (Gross!). He got a few presents there, will get the rest at his party at the Ocean. I just learned last football season that both teams don't have a quarterback on the field at the same time, but for some reason I can still get him some good football presents. I'm thinking dumb luck.
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