Elise is sick.

This is Elise, pretending to be sick. No, she's really super sick. Took her in and found out she has bronchitis. So the good doctor ordered an albuterol inhaler. We went to the pharmacy to pick it up, in the car I showed her how to use it. As soon as she breathed it in she doubled over in pain, crying and screaming out. She said it hurt her lungs. Ran back to Prompt Care, full speed, running a few red lights (she was having a hard time breathing, wouldn't you!) Got in there, we had 2 doctors with her checking her and making sure she was gonna live. Long story short; Ivy shows up, came to my rescue since I was a little stressed. The doctor actually asked if Ivy was her mom because Ivy was hugging her and rubbing on her back. I guess I need to step up my empathy a little bit. They did give her some benadryl, so Ivy pretty much had to carry/drag Elise out to the car. But we're home now! Did ya'll hear, Richard has pneumonia, took him in this morning. So don't breathe in my house or you'll get sick. Elise also has a migraine and has been out in the front yard throwing up. How lovely!
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