Monroe fell asleep in his chair the second the food was ready. Too cute!
We get to sing christmas carols every thanksgiving with our family, some protest, but it is a favorite! This was Daniels first year with this tradition, I think he liked the gumdrop turkey tradition better. We got to start the day at Richards parents house with his sister and her kid Michael. That was very nice, share in their football tradition, which is new to Elise and I. At one point I think we had 6 of us cooking in the kitchen, lots of fun!
Then we went over to my sisters (Theresas) house where most of our family was. Dinner, some presents, Christmas carols, dessert. Then most of us went out to Silverdale and watched Bolt, a new Pixar movie that's out, very funny!
Richard and I were over whelmed by how lucky we are to have 2 great families and so much love, when some people don't even have one.
We really realized it today when we got to spend so much time with both, of course the food didn't hurt anything either!