Sunday, April 3, 2011

1st trailer trip

We took our new trailer out for a maiden voyage, all the way to Everett. And it wasnt a campground, but an RV park, so it was basically a parking lot with hookups. But for our first trip we wanted something easy, and with Wal-Mart across the street it doesn't get any easier. **We loaded up and headed out, with Daniel. Elise was gone this weekend with her friends. Daniel slept the whole way there and back (except for our stop at Sonic.) It rained and rained. Once we got there we all 3 managed to get the trailer hooked up, awning out, inside set up. Daniel is a big help, i think we're going to let him live in the trailer, he sure was a pleasure... something about camping puts him in a good mood. **I put pics in of back of trailer where there's 2 lower bunks and 2 upper bunks. Also the front with the tv, yah I know, we need a smaller one... it was the only extra one we had and I won't go without cable. Then you move the tv, ta ke the table out and the front end folds into a bed for me and Richard. Only thing not working is heater, so we used a space heater, which if you had anything one besides that and the tv the circuit breaker flipped... over and over and over. **Saturday Andrea and Greg came out and we all went and played Bingo at Tulalip (except Daniel who stayed at the trailer playing video games.) Andrea won 100 bucks, the rest of walked away minus our 20$. **While there this weekend we drove around and checked out several other possibilities for our next trip out. Found mostly rv parks, but a state park, Wenberg, which looks nice for our next trip that way. All in all we had a good time. Very successful first trip. Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Elise's 14th Birthday (a little late)

These are pics from Elise's 14th birthday at Olive Garden, then cake and presents back at home. Theresa was sick, but Monroe got to come with us, also notice Dad there, he had just got back from the Philippines, but is already gone there again now. Elise brought two friends, Taylor and Sam. Along with my mom and Richards parents, aka Elise's other grandparents. As always good food, and good cake (isn't cake always good?) It's been so long I don't even remember what she got for her birthday, besides a nose piercing... I think Grandma loved that the most, haha.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Testing testing 1-2-3

I wanted to see if i can post my blog on facebook so I don't have to type stuff twice. I thought I'd put the first camping trip pics up, but the memory chip from my camera doesn't fit in my computer... So i'll do that later. So we're in a paved rv park, good spot for first trip. We drove all around to 5 other rv parks in the area to check them out, I created a cool star system, that probably I am the only one who understands it. We're in Everett, richard will be playing in a tournament all day tomorrow, his parents are coming up and playing BINGO with me. That will leave Dahiel in the trailer with his bike and x-box. Then home again Sunday morning so I can go to work!

The rv park has no website, this was as close as I could get.

Greg, don't forget the hiking book, maybe we can find something close (and easy).