Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The new microscopic desk.

We got rid of our big desk, to downsize to one computer since that's what we've mainly had working for the last year anyways. It looks like a microscopic desk compared to the big one I've had for years. Don't worry dad, it's safely in the back pantry, it really is far to beautiful to give up, not to mention all the sentimental value (mushy mushy, I know.) Probably most of you don't know the story behind the desk, but it's a little mushy.

So now Richard's one step closer to getting his bird and bird cage. Of course for those of you know Richard, we'll just be quiet and leave it up to him, that way it will never happen! haha.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saints vs. Seahawks fan...

We woke up this morning to lots of snow. Richard got to clean the truck off. I also wanted to show everyone the license plate frame on his truck. And he claims to be a Saints fan! Hmmm....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Batting Cages

I took the kids to the batting cages today. Daniel is about to start his first season ever, Elise is getting ready for season 5. Both are pretty excited! Elise has her first indoor soccer game tomorrow. 9AM on Saturdays! Someone is crazy, but it's a team made up mostly from her regular soccer team that she's played with for 4 years, so it should be fun for her. As for me, I get off work about 8AM, will just stay up a little later on Saturdays to take her. Anyone care to join me?

Daniel did really good, I was very impressed! He was very open to take advice from Elise and me (a seasoned expert, haha). I was amazed how well he did for his first time. Need to take him out to a field for some catching practice now. And Elise, of course she did good, and looked good, that's what matters most. What amaazed me the very most about Elise was that she was able to not text on her phone for the entire time! LOL

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Clara, Monroe, Eve and Elise

We went to visit Theresa, and who happened to be there but Clara. So we had to visit her too, she's pretty cute. Sleeps through everything, I guess she gets that from her father. This is all 4 kids.